It's been 20 odd days that I have been staying in UK. I am at Reading which is a small city in UK.
This is the first time in my life that I am seeing so many nationals at the same time British, french, indians, pakistanis , nepalis , cubans , chinese , americans...One thing i realised all the colonies ruled by British had people from that place settled in UK.... That is the reason probably for so many nationalities under one roof...
What I noticed was how my mind was biased towards these different nationals.... My mind is already so conditioned by origins of people .... In India it was a division of states bias and now in UK it is a division of Nationalities bias....My mind is trained to create biases....
It's only when I have a deeper connect with individuals that I realise that every human being is the same with same set of ambitions , likings for good living ,good food, passion of some sport , cribs about traffic and weather.....
And a step deeper from the same conversations into people's heart , i find people as lost as I am in finding the life's purpose. Some claim to know, some given up, some still searching and some truly enlightened.
For me it's been a thrilling journey so far to find out my mind's own Illusions and my own strenght of defining these mind games as Illusions.