Saturday, October 11, 2014

The power of Asking and holding quality questions

It's that day of self reflection for me today. In the very beginning of this year I started with asking a question .'how do economic laws align to universal laws ?' This question had crept up from deep within me to align my new values to new world of possibilities. It evolved from my fear of the unknown and letting of the comfort zone of my job. It came from a deep turmoil I felt to not enjoy materialistic conversations with my friends and family where job titles/ salary / 2,3,4 bedroom apartments / children's prestigious schooling /clothing had stopped driving and exciting me in life. The fear of being left alone as I had not much to contribute to the latest gossips /and not up-breast with the latest politics and happenings of the world. I chose to still hold the question , prayed for guidance and what opened up for me was a 8 month course in ecological leadership and facilitation which I am at present doing from Schumacher college in Devon, UK.The question connected me to 30 other people with similar questions across the world of 10 different nationalities. I realised I am not alone and the question deepened and took a new form. During my wilderness time in nature which we did a lot during the time of the course it dawned on me that nature manifests universal laws so impeccably. Plants, trees and animals are here on this planet some 1.8 billions years before we human beings !!... It came to me to now learn from nature . As all previous questions have stirred me inside and rocked and shook me completely this learning from nature meant spending more time in nature for a city girl born in Mumbai .I had to overcome the fear of sleeping on the grass , overcome my fear of insects. I bought a sleeping bag , borrowed a tent and slept in the million starred hotel in the comfort of the grass and what and experience it was !!.. My question also let me to deep dive , this time literally scuba diving . I did an introductory class of scuba diving in the Mediterranean sea. How to learn from nature is my next quality question. I have already attended a plant consciousness conference and have been drawn to shamanism and learning from native American and Indigenous tribes across the world.

Why did I choose to write this people is to just demonstrate how far within and wide holding a powerful , quality question can take you. It is a matter of choice which question I choose to engage in.It's a matter of awareness and self respect to choose quality questions which empower me and others. My experience so far with this journey has been to go with the life force of quality questions. What I need is the courage to deep dive within and without !! I choose to follow the unfolding of possibilities and trust , clear intention and an open heart filled with wonder. What next I ask and I am ready to deep dive once again !!!