Friday, November 9, 2007

Doing things in the present moment is worship

My blog is turning out to be more of a manifestation of my philosophical side so be it me going to write to only about the questions that surface and if these are questions that are coming to mind i am not going to stop but just play with them,ponder over them,try answering them.

'Doing things in the present moment'. I am struggling with this a bit too much..... The thoughts in my mind remind me of past, tell me about today and worry me about the future. Taking one day at a time becomes genuinely and truly most difficult. Earlier i used to try and struggle by not letting these thoughts come to my mind. But sooner i realised that just by mere observation the thoughts vanish. Now i try pracitising by categorising thoughts into past ,present and future. Just shere awareness of these thoughts makes me aware of their futality. Make me feel foolish for having succumbed to these thoughts earlier in life and reacted to them .

I don't know what worshipping truly means as honestly never worshipped anything in my life with a true heart. But if worshipping is meditating ,concentrating on something to be in the present moment and enjoy ,then i guess for me dancing is worshipping as i am definitely in the present moment with no thoughts of any kind surfacing and only the awareness of the rhythm of my self and the music .