Thursday, December 12, 2013

Reliance on Intelligence beyond my Intelligence as a Leadership Skill

For many years I have lived a life of subtle arrogance. I used to believe that praying and asking for guidance from Intelligence higher than me was an act of weakness!!. That’s how arrogant I was until life put me through the lessons I needed to learn and see the magnificence of Intelligence much, much greater than I can possibly perceive. Over few years now I have come to wonder and ponder and see probably for the first time the intricate details and perfection in which a baby is born, the precision perfect way in which human body functions and heals ,the orderliness in which a plant grows and bears fruits, the impeccable trajectory of the planets and stars. Now waking up to the magnificence of this intelligence which ever surrounds us (only if we choose to see) I am compelled to ask the question what does it take for me tap into this Intelligence? Why is that we human beings rely only on our own limited Intelligence and choose not to include the guidance which we receive from this higher Intelligence into healing physical illnesses. Why is it that the skills to tap into this Intelligence are considered as ‘soft skills’ , hog wash , miracles , magic ? Why can’t we collectively align to this higher intelligence perpetually and make it a way of life? How can businesses tap into this potential and create better worlds and economies? How can mothers tap into this Intelligence to be a guiding force for the next generation? As I read and ponder to quench my thirst of these questions, I stumbled upon an area of new leadership skills. ‘Source’, the path to inner leadership is a book written by Joseph Jowarski which talks exactly how tapping into this universal Intelligence’ will be a skill needed by the next gen Leadership. He talks about how Shell uses this skill to predict the emerging futures of tomorrow. For me personally, I never looked at my journey into personal mastery as a leadership skill until now. My only driving force was to be a better human being. As I read and internalize the likes of Joseph Jowarski , Peter senge’s work I realise ‘Tapping into the higher Intelligence’ is no more a ‘soft skill’ but a very matured high end skill needed for stewarding humanity to its next level of evolution and potential. To create leaders which tap into the human potential to create the emerging futures of tomorrow. Am I inspired or what ? !!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sachin Tendulkar - A pointer to the God within !

I have been a cricket fan in the past and honestly these days watch cricket only if it's interesting in the end overs.And even though I do not follow cricket news deligently I am bombarded with Sachin's retirement story all around me.I see people paying tribute to Sachin on the radio , singing hymes in his name. Adversitements caching on the retirement story invoking emotional sentiments. Banner's proclaiming Sachin as 'God of Cricket'. What has caught my attention is this label of 'God of Cricket' being bestowed on Sachin.
When I ponder deeper I realise it's the Godlike qualities which Sachin's character displays is what has excited people all over world. The qualitites of being humble , being a man of integrity , being committed and dedicated to task at hand. And the most important quality of all which makes him Godlike is his ability to consistently display these qualities.And these qualities invoke enthusiasm in his fans to paint themselves from head to toe in Indian tri colour , wear the banner '10' T-shirt. Stand and watch the match so that Sachin does not get out.
The source of the word enthusiam is the Greek enthousiasmos, which ultimately comes from the adjective entheos, "having the god within," formed from en, "in, within," and theos, "god." Observing this hysteria around me and the enthusiasm which Sachin invokes in all of us , I am almost compelled to search and bring out the God within me. If all of us as human beings see this God within ourselves , I am sure we all be Sachin Tendulkars in our mission and purpose in life. Just imagine how beautiful this world will be when of us like Sachin are living our God within !! ... We all have the light within ourselves to shine all the Godlike qualities ; And when we can see and celebrate these qualities in Sachin I am certain we can help them shine within us as well. In order to pay my real tribute to this Little Master blaster , I take on to search and bring out the God within and take our humanity one step closer to God and that's the enthusiam Sachin has invoked in me !!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Conflict within

The conflict which I call my own
Is it really a conflict, is yet to be known

The conflict I feel within to come from grace in all situations
And the drag I feel to go on an ego trip at every instigation.

The conflict I feel within to believe the outside events as a cause of me
Or the reality is what I first create within?

The conflict I feel to see all of life as miracle
Or to defy each grace as a logical conclusion

The conflict I feel to be fooled by life
Is it really a loss to be fooled or the greatest gift showered to experience life?

The Conflict I feel within to look at each illness as a gift to learn and heal
Or to suppress it with medication which creates an illusionary healthy feel.

The conflict I feel to trust an abundant caring universe
When all of news bombards to believe the exact scary reverse.

The conflict I feel within to reside in non action
When all of life have been taught to plan and make things happen

The conflict I feel to be a victim and blame others
Or to look within as a mirror to love and accept me which otherwise I would never discover.

I know for sure that this conflict is the first step into the unknown
It’s the caterpillar’s struggle into the colorful beautiful world to call its own.
All I wish and pray for me and others,
That we all pay heed to this conflict and really really struggle.
For as we struggle with this conflict within
We will all learn and truly heal.
And as we all heal together, the world would heal

And we will live to share the experiences of our beautiful worlds within.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A gift to myself
Its 4.30 am and an itch to write.
To reflect on life, to feel its essence and what flavours I really like.
Life was beautiful as far as I remember, with childhood birthday celebrations and feelings which made me feel special
Abba always captured my smile in his camera and milestoned my every little progress
My first teeth, my first baby step all stand now as a reminder of how I was loved and cared.
I had gifts like every child has its own, to emote, to dance, to narrate and write.
As days grew by and the norms set in, I forgot how loved I was and how special I felt.
Each day was a competition to get approval, each day became a struggle to beat the rest.
Slowly and steadily I became an expert in this game and started to live a life by what other’s claimed.
This went on for years, where the gifts just beat the dust deep inside of me.
I pulled up a cover and began to shine and polish which was never me.
As one day I realised, I was a fake diamond. A diamond which had forgotten its own beauty and now wanted to shine like other fake diamonds.
That’s the day I realised why life lacked lustre, it was my own light which had gone dim and needed duster.
I made a choice to the get my gifts back, to reflect on life and claim me back.
Like every journey begins with a single step, I have definitely taken the step within.
Since then life has become so spacious, the inner child in me has taken a breather
The gifts are back and I love the new me who now remembers how loved she was and will always will be.
And as I reflect on my life on this special day, would not change a thing which made me love and care.
The greatest joy is when gifts are shared and this expression is my gift to be loved and cared.
If you want to return a gift my dear friends, it’s just a leap away to check within

And when you find your gift ready to shine, I will be ready again to share mine.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Coming back to neutral

'Coming back to Neutral' is a phrase I learnt in the acting course i did from the London school of dramatic art. 'Coming back to neutral' is a skill learnt by all actors to arrive at a neutral space within. This neutral space is the space where my personality as 'Tazeen' does not exist. What exist is pure potential for the director to paint it's character which I am potraying. Learning this skill as an actor made me wonder , can be neutral in all the roles which I play in life ? Can i be that neutral space where creation happens. Where i leave room for the creator to paint it's picture , it's movie. !!.... Now I catch my self playing my personality and make an effort to come back to neutral for wonderful creation to happen.

Have you tried coming back to neutral from all the roles which you play in life ? be it an employee, boss ,daugther , mother , sister , son , father , husband , wife , brother etc? ...just try 'coming back to neutral' and see the relationships creating themselves !!

The ignored skills of being human

As I delve deeper and deeper within myself during meditation pratices I see so much of my mind with it's trivia and detail . When I shine the light of awareness these thoughts vanish and a serene me emerges to face the world.I wonder so many times why is that being aware , observing mind , allowing the universal energy to flow through me are not taught at school ? Why is that mind and storing information and ability to retrieve information skill has become so dominant in determining the quality of a human being ?
Once I have deep dived into being aware as a  capability life has expanded for me and become so much spacious. The moment i recognized and got connected to my feelings and emotions which is the language of the heart i noticed the quality of my relationships improving and definitely the quality of my life improving. Why did I learn all these skills so late in life ? Why was I not made aware of these aspects of life earlier ? Why is that so many people are still unaware of these wonderful human skills ? I imagine a day in life when awareness and coming from a space in the heart will be considered as superior quality human skills . If these skills are valued only then they will be measured for all decisions in life like choosing a career , choosing a life partner , financial decisions and most importantly nuturing the next generation (children). Life will be so amazingly wonderful with it full magnificiance of all human beings!! I need to play my part and keep these wonderful human skills of being aware , coming from heart and living life in this moment alive in me. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The journey from inside out

This whole concept looking at healing inside out visa vi outside in practiced by traditional Medicine intrigues me.Till recently I have lived my life believing the world outside of me impacts me, circumstances create me . It is almost like living a life of reaction. Because of some life changing events like my divorce and my father's sudden death have led me on a path to re validate my beliefs.I felt like I have missed the point completely.On this self searching, soul finding journey I have been introduced so many spiritual concepts like gratitude , unconditional Love , Compassion , forgiveness. The most intriguing concept which catches my attention every time is the concept of ' oneness', the concept of we all being one Universal Energy and our purpose in life to let this Universal Energy shine through self. It's an Inside out approach and when we block this energy's expression of  it's true magnificence through us we dis align and create dis-ease.According to me , this imbalance  is the reason the world is facing so many symptoms of war, terrorism, Financial crisis and of course dis-eases.This shining from within requires us to work on ourselves to lift the lamp shades of fear , anger , agreed , jealousy . When I talk about living from inside out to my friends and family , they seem to think it's a lot of hard work and it will open a lot of cans of worms. I am amazed at people's choice to live a lesser life than let the magnificence shine through.I have made that choice to live inside out . To trust the flow of energy , to trust my feelings and emotions to guide me . It's definitely an uneasy feeling at the moment and does not come naturally. But I am hoping with practice I will be able to let the magnificence shine through me and in this light my loved ones see themselves and get inspired to do the same.