Thursday, February 20, 2014

Freedom !!

Rules and more rules just confine
what if i just stroll
Stroll to enjoy life ,
in this enjoyment what if i create
Creation which leads somewhere or no where
What if all trust in me for this creation to wander
what if all or none ramble to create a rare
What if there are no rules and all rules set me free

experience freedom and let creation create itself  !!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Trust in the flow of life

What is that I have to unlearn, in order to learn to trust ?
This mistry mazed path , carved with wonderful turns, tell me how do I put ny foot forward ?

The river flowing wild and deep , show me to ride with glory and ease

The whirlpools of gusty winds , give me your strenght to stand and be still

Why do i create this dichotomy all the time ?
Can i not just be and flow with life ?
Does it really matter where the winds takes ?
Does it really matter where the river breaks ?

Al I ask dear wind , water and land
Carry me with care into the unknown sands
As there is nothing to fear but my own mind
As there is nothing to trust ,but just be the wind , water and land.