Thursday, December 11, 2014

Michael , The Carpet Cleaner

I am struggling to write my paper on economic learning from plant's intelligence and as usual I ask for guidance from the universe. And the answers appear in the form of Michael , the carpet cleaner mid afternoon !!
Last weekend had the carpet shampooing and cleaning activity taken at the place where I live. Michael was the cleaner , cleaning the carpets. My aunty invited him to join us for a cup of tea and that's how I started the conversation with him.
Michael , a very ordinary looking , African origin man taught me a few valuable lessons in the short 30 minutes chat I had with him. It turns out that every person I connect with has a beautiful triumph story to tell and Michael was no exception.
He suffered from a throat cancer and the doctors had given him 6 months to live . This was 3 yrs ago and as on today he stands completely cured of cancer , smiling and teaching me and others some very important life lessons.
So what did Michael teach me on that Sunday afternoon ?

1) Look at every challenge in life as a gift :

Michael had this inkling before being diagnosed with cancer to slow down and review his life. But he carried on till life chose cancer to show him this message and this time he listened. He asked a very critical question . In my world empowering , quality question. What gift does this cancer have for me ? And the answer was : I need to learn self expression and channel my creativity. And so he did. In the spare time he had because he was off sick and in bed , he started making hats of all sorts. This way he channelled his creativity. He chose to look at cancer as a gift and learn the message the challenge had for him.

2) We are connected and one :

Michael got into a self healing mode and got introduced to alternative healing techniques like Reiki. He told me about his experiments with self healing using Reiki and how all is just pure energy. Behind our colours , our personalities we are connected beautiful souls and that we have forgotten this and now trying to remember. I shared with him what my study has been on oneness and interconnectedness and that I want to bring this perspective into ways we do business and the way we structure organisations . He reaffirmed the necessity of this new idea and inspired me to continue working on my paper and not give up !!

3) Prayers do get answered , only if we are ready to listen :

My conditioning taught me something about people from his origin. My conditioning also taught me about poor people probably do not have the intelligence to understand me and so it is below my dignity to connect. How wrong was I ? Had I believed and acted based on my conditioning I would have missed the answer to my call from the Universe in the form of Michael. Had I chosen to not chat with him and my cup of tea to my room to drink would have needed a new lesson to be learnt there. I am glad I chose to listen beyond my belief system and I am glad so did Michael !! I learnt to be humble . I learnt that I am on the right path of writing my paper and that I need to be patient with my self. Ask the question and wait for the answers !!

I hugged Michael and he hugged me back. He inspired me that day and I thanked him for being who has been in the face of the challenging cancer. He humbly responded. As I have lessons for you, you have lessons for me and this tea chat is synchronicity at it’s best. We both chose to learn and listen.

I am truly blessed and guided is all I know now !!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The power of Asking and holding quality questions

It's that day of self reflection for me today. In the very beginning of this year I started with asking a question .'how do economic laws align to universal laws ?' This question had crept up from deep within me to align my new values to new world of possibilities. It evolved from my fear of the unknown and letting of the comfort zone of my job. It came from a deep turmoil I felt to not enjoy materialistic conversations with my friends and family where job titles/ salary / 2,3,4 bedroom apartments / children's prestigious schooling /clothing had stopped driving and exciting me in life. The fear of being left alone as I had not much to contribute to the latest gossips /and not up-breast with the latest politics and happenings of the world. I chose to still hold the question , prayed for guidance and what opened up for me was a 8 month course in ecological leadership and facilitation which I am at present doing from Schumacher college in Devon, UK.The question connected me to 30 other people with similar questions across the world of 10 different nationalities. I realised I am not alone and the question deepened and took a new form. During my wilderness time in nature which we did a lot during the time of the course it dawned on me that nature manifests universal laws so impeccably. Plants, trees and animals are here on this planet some 1.8 billions years before we human beings !!... It came to me to now learn from nature . As all previous questions have stirred me inside and rocked and shook me completely this learning from nature meant spending more time in nature for a city girl born in Mumbai .I had to overcome the fear of sleeping on the grass , overcome my fear of insects. I bought a sleeping bag , borrowed a tent and slept in the million starred hotel in the comfort of the grass and what and experience it was !!.. My question also let me to deep dive , this time literally scuba diving . I did an introductory class of scuba diving in the Mediterranean sea. How to learn from nature is my next quality question. I have already attended a plant consciousness conference and have been drawn to shamanism and learning from native American and Indigenous tribes across the world.

Why did I choose to write this people is to just demonstrate how far within and wide holding a powerful , quality question can take you. It is a matter of choice which question I choose to engage in.It's a matter of awareness and self respect to choose quality questions which empower me and others. My experience so far with this journey has been to go with the life force of quality questions. What I need is the courage to deep dive within and without !! I choose to follow the unfolding of possibilities and trust , clear intention and an open heart filled with wonder. What next I ask and I am ready to deep dive once again !!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Broken to emerge

It breaks my heart to see people suffer in war
It breaks my heart to see people struggle to survive
It breaks my heart to see that hurting one another is choosen as an easy option
It breaks my heart to see and explain this ugliness of humanity to the children of tomorrow
From this broken heart emerges a clearer vision of one united world
From this broken heart emerges a deeper resolve for the new narratives
From this broken heart emerges a stronger courage to dive within and see my own conflicts at war
From this broken heart emerges a timely urgency to create a harmonious world
From this broken heart emerges aligned actions in the service of life !

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The familiarity of playing small

A read a beautiful statement a while ago which goes like this ‘ We do not fear the dark , but the magnificence of our own light. ‘For the past few days this statement has been ringing a bell within me. I have started noticing the levels at which I play small in life. This ‘smallness’ manifests in more than one ways in all areas of my life. From the choice of relationships that I go for to the choice of food that I make in day today living. There are new avenues which are calling me but the drag and pull of the familiar small me drags me away from venturing into the new avenues. As I sit in my meditation and through this writing I want to tell the small me that your purpose to keep me safe is done. I appreciate your concern for my safety and security and your strategy to play small. But let’s consider the light of new possibilities creating a much more harmonious world where there is abundance of freedom and peace and need for protection is fulfilled by peaceful, loving minds and hearts. One mind at a time, one heart at a time: starting with me. I choose the larger me, a me which creates loving healthy, respectful relationships. A larger me who speaks her beliefs. A larger me who is willing to hold her beliefs lightly and has the courage to accommodate new beliefs which truly resonate with her heart. A larger me which defines ‘me’ as not just ‘self’ but expands to unify the world, one relationship at a time starting with the ‘small me’ J !!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Paths Cross Again?

Walking on our own into future, our paths crossed
In hesitation we spoke not knowing where this rendezvous would last?
The trust in your voice and the honesty in my smile paved the bridge for us to cross over
Our stories weaved a beautiful nest; our visions when shared, gave it a new zest
And our humor made the stream water giggle with flow
Danced did we in our own conversations filled with nothingness, meaning and sometimes silence to cherish
We walked a while together, giving glimpses of our two worlds
And then in the next steep lane, opinions set in and judgments took over
Silence took over a different meaning as the conversations became a rarity
Doubts set in and expectations took seed
And before we knew our paths diverged and before we knew we were walking alone all over again
Why do judgments have to have a place? Why do distances have to be travelled and bridged?
Why do we have to lead anywhere?
 Why can’t we just wander? Why is drifting an option when the dance can be of a togetherness story to share?
Now as I walk with all these questions,have  left the paths to chance to cross over

I wonder will the dance of conversations will ever start again. And will there be a journey together from nothingness to nothingness with just love to behold?

Monday, April 21, 2014

A trip to North Wales – Snowdonia

For me trips are about meeting people , understanding the culture and connecting with people. For the April Spring holiday in UK I happened to visit snowdonia suggested by a friend. The trip started with the train journey to Bangor. On the train, it was mostly families getting together for Easter. Chatted with a young lad and his aunt for a brief period. The lad spoke welsh as he studied in wales and explained to me and friend how to pronounce certain Welsh words and how are ‘ll’ , ‘ch’ pronounced. It was useful tip to understand welch. How do you know when you are in wales ? You would know when you start reading English alphabets on station name plates but your mind refuses to comprehend and form a word. When you feel the irritation and confusion for not being able to pronounce then you know you are at a wales station J !!... At least that’s how I figured out !!...
From Bangor to llanberis , took a bus from the outside the Bangor station . The next bus was not until 30-45 mins so ended up chatting with a smart Irish college professor from London who had packed different kinds of shoes for walking , running and climbing. Since he had been to llanberis he offered us to show around the place once we get down. 
The journey up to llanberis was fun , thanks to the Irish guy and also the bus driver who actually dropped off people till their houses !!...  And people got off from the bus wherever they liked J !!.. It reminded me of Bihar where people pull the chains to stop the train at their convenient places. The bus driver stopped his bus near a stationery car and chatted with the car lady driver for good five minutes before proceeding. I realized people just travelled with time, went with the flow and time is not a scarcity at all. I simply loved it because I was on vacation too with no hurry to reach my destination but after good 30 mins for 9 miles finally reached Llanberis.
Llanberis is a small village at the foot of snowdonia with a small road just passing off as the high street.  The hotel that we stayed was a very local B&B with a lot of welsh flavor to it!!.. The hotel manager dint ask for the payment upfront but said we can pay as we check out. That was the trust locals showed in the tourist which I simply loved.
The next morning I went for an early morning walk by the lake at Llanberis and happened to chat with a local who was canoeing to practice for a boat race. I asked him why are there no fishes in the lake to which he responded that the quarrying activities on the mountains has chemically polluted the water and no fish survive. I was completely heartbroken on hearing this as the lake surroundings were so pretty and serene and may be in next decade or so this beautiful landscape would change as we human beings mess up with the eco systems for our own greed . That conversation with the local guy is still lingering in my head and feels a pang in my heart every time I remember it.

Now , was the time to climb the mountain. Went up to 2 pit stops as my friend gave up even before starting the walk !!... On the way up to the mountain saw families carrying their kids on their back . Some kids were as young as 1-2 years old and I simply loved the enthusiasm and determination of the family to do that . Met Americans , Europeans and also Indians on the way up. All cheering and encouraging each other. Helping , cracking jokes . All nobodies just without language come together to achieve one common goal to climb the Snowdon Mountain. The human spirit is awesome , splendid and that what I have carried back from this trip along with a nice even tan J !!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

From Darkness to Light -- Learnings from Nature

I attended an organic farming workshop conducted by the earthoholics. While in the workshop I could not help but draw parallels of my life and process of growing plants from germination , to growth , to harvest and completion.This whole exercise of growing plants has taught me a few wonderful lessons. I have come to realise how insensitive I have been to the complete process of growing plants and trees.I learnt that the process of germination starts with providing darkness , warmth and moisture for the seeds to germinate. In life I fear darkness but this very darkness is the genesis of a new life !!Warmth for me represents the heat generated due to the friction , the inner struggle and conflict I go through when I experience the dark and the challenges that life throws at me. Moisture is the clearing , the tears , the emotions that flow and the germination process starts.So now I know that I do not have to fear the dark , the inner conflict and my emotions as all these are necessary for life to grow through me.Once the germination has happened and I start seeing the shoots of new ideas , new possibilities it's important for these ideas to see the light of the day in order to flourish.I learnt that my ideas to flourish and bear fruits, I need to show them to the world through projects , experimentation , mentors and bring them out in the open. That's when my ideas will take root and start growing on their own. My job now is provide the right amount of fertilizers , water and environment.Once my ideas bear fruits , I have a choice to enjoy the fruits myself and also share them with others and have fun. The plants reap and harvest yields. It's a trial and error process. It's a process of hope and play.And when the capacity of the plant to bear fruits is completed it leaves the seeds behind for new life , new possibilities to emerge. And the process of life continues.That's how nature is giving and nurturing in all it's humility.And the process of life continues . From darkness to light to darkness again and light !!And my biggest learning has been that that's the process of life I need to trust. Trust the divine grace operating as life cycles through me.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Freedom !!

Rules and more rules just confine
what if i just stroll
Stroll to enjoy life ,
in this enjoyment what if i create
Creation which leads somewhere or no where
What if all trust in me for this creation to wander
what if all or none ramble to create a rare
What if there are no rules and all rules set me free

experience freedom and let creation create itself  !!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Trust in the flow of life

What is that I have to unlearn, in order to learn to trust ?
This mistry mazed path , carved with wonderful turns, tell me how do I put ny foot forward ?

The river flowing wild and deep , show me to ride with glory and ease

The whirlpools of gusty winds , give me your strenght to stand and be still

Why do i create this dichotomy all the time ?
Can i not just be and flow with life ?
Does it really matter where the winds takes ?
Does it really matter where the river breaks ?

Al I ask dear wind , water and land
Carry me with care into the unknown sands
As there is nothing to fear but my own mind
As there is nothing to trust ,but just be the wind , water and land.