Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Conflict within

The conflict which I call my own
Is it really a conflict, is yet to be known

The conflict I feel within to come from grace in all situations
And the drag I feel to go on an ego trip at every instigation.

The conflict I feel within to believe the outside events as a cause of me
Or the reality is what I first create within?

The conflict I feel to see all of life as miracle
Or to defy each grace as a logical conclusion

The conflict I feel to be fooled by life
Is it really a loss to be fooled or the greatest gift showered to experience life?

The Conflict I feel within to look at each illness as a gift to learn and heal
Or to suppress it with medication which creates an illusionary healthy feel.

The conflict I feel to trust an abundant caring universe
When all of news bombards to believe the exact scary reverse.

The conflict I feel within to reside in non action
When all of life have been taught to plan and make things happen

The conflict I feel to be a victim and blame others
Or to look within as a mirror to love and accept me which otherwise I would never discover.

I know for sure that this conflict is the first step into the unknown
It’s the caterpillar’s struggle into the colorful beautiful world to call its own.
All I wish and pray for me and others,
That we all pay heed to this conflict and really really struggle.
For as we struggle with this conflict within
We will all learn and truly heal.
And as we all heal together, the world would heal

And we will live to share the experiences of our beautiful worlds within.