Thursday, February 28, 2013

The journey from inside out

This whole concept looking at healing inside out visa vi outside in practiced by traditional Medicine intrigues me.Till recently I have lived my life believing the world outside of me impacts me, circumstances create me . It is almost like living a life of reaction. Because of some life changing events like my divorce and my father's sudden death have led me on a path to re validate my beliefs.I felt like I have missed the point completely.On this self searching, soul finding journey I have been introduced so many spiritual concepts like gratitude , unconditional Love , Compassion , forgiveness. The most intriguing concept which catches my attention every time is the concept of ' oneness', the concept of we all being one Universal Energy and our purpose in life to let this Universal Energy shine through self. It's an Inside out approach and when we block this energy's expression of  it's true magnificence through us we dis align and create dis-ease.According to me , this imbalance  is the reason the world is facing so many symptoms of war, terrorism, Financial crisis and of course dis-eases.This shining from within requires us to work on ourselves to lift the lamp shades of fear , anger , agreed , jealousy . When I talk about living from inside out to my friends and family , they seem to think it's a lot of hard work and it will open a lot of cans of worms. I am amazed at people's choice to live a lesser life than let the magnificence shine through.I have made that choice to live inside out . To trust the flow of energy , to trust my feelings and emotions to guide me . It's definitely an uneasy feeling at the moment and does not come naturally. But I am hoping with practice I will be able to let the magnificence shine through me and in this light my loved ones see themselves and get inspired to do the same.

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