Monday, April 28, 2014

Paths Cross Again?

Walking on our own into future, our paths crossed
In hesitation we spoke not knowing where this rendezvous would last?
The trust in your voice and the honesty in my smile paved the bridge for us to cross over
Our stories weaved a beautiful nest; our visions when shared, gave it a new zest
And our humor made the stream water giggle with flow
Danced did we in our own conversations filled with nothingness, meaning and sometimes silence to cherish
We walked a while together, giving glimpses of our two worlds
And then in the next steep lane, opinions set in and judgments took over
Silence took over a different meaning as the conversations became a rarity
Doubts set in and expectations took seed
And before we knew our paths diverged and before we knew we were walking alone all over again
Why do judgments have to have a place? Why do distances have to be travelled and bridged?
Why do we have to lead anywhere?
 Why can’t we just wander? Why is drifting an option when the dance can be of a togetherness story to share?
Now as I walk with all these questions,have  left the paths to chance to cross over

I wonder will the dance of conversations will ever start again. And will there be a journey together from nothingness to nothingness with just love to behold?

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